Toll Free
dashicons-phone (844) 396-9569
Have a question about the UM process or submitting a case? Reach out to our nursing team directly at: ndumnurses@acentra.com
Please allow up to two business days for a response. This email account is for general inquiries only and will not accept member records or case submissions.
Hours of Operation
dashicons-clock M-F 8:00 am - 5:00 pm CST
Excluding all holidays observed by the state of North Dakota. North Dakota state offices are closed on the following holidays:
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Jr Day
- Presidents Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Veterans Day Observed
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
State offices close at noon on Christmas Eve day when it falls on Monday through Thursday. A holiday occurring on Saturday or Sunday is observed the preceding Friday or succeeding Monday (does not apply to Christmas Eve office closure).
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